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Ajahn Sumedho

It's Like This

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Aug 13th, 2024

Ninety reflections to honour Luang Por Sumedho in ... Read More

Pdf 2 filled 100


Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jan 2nd, 2021

When I reflect on my life as a Buddhist monk, I found ... Read More

Epub 100

The Four Noble Truths (Illustrated Edition)

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Nov 29th, 2020

A small booklet of edited talks given by ... Read More

Epub 100 Mobi 100 Pdf 2 filled 100

The Way It Is

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Apr 27th, 2018

This book contains a collection of teachings of ... Read More

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Intuitive Awareness

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Sep 4th, 2017

Awareness is your refuge: Awareness of the ... Read More

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Anthology Vol 3 - Direct Realization

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jul 27th, 2014

This volume contains material ... Read More

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Anthology Vol 5 - The Wheel of Truth

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jul 27th, 2014

The title of this book refers ... Read More

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Anthology Vol 4 - The Sound of Silence

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jul 27th, 2014

This book is the fourth of ... Read More

Anthology Vol 1 - Peace is a Simple Step

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jul 27th, 2014

Peace is a Simple Step ... Read More

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Anthology Vol 2 - Seeds of Understanding

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jul 27th, 2014

This book is the second of ... Read More

Mindfulness: The Path to the Deathless

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jul 5th, 2012

Mindfulness – Path to the ... Read More

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Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Jul 5th, 2012

Cittaviveka is a pali term meaning 'the mind of ... Read More

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Now is the Knowing

Ajahn Sumedho

Added on Aug 2nd, 2011

Three Dhamma talks by Ajahn Sumedho given ... Read More

Epub 100 Mobi 100 Pdf 2 filled 100

Website for Ajahn Sumedho
Dhamma Talks by Ajahn Sumedho

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